I woke with a mop of cat in my face. Bono’s owlish eyes gazed unblinking at me. Closing my eyes, I pretended to sleep. The feather duster of Bono’s tail brushed my cheek. He mewed [...]
Bono refused to budge from under the bed. Nobody said it was going to be easy. The whole point of fostering this cat was to accustom him to human company so he’d have a chance of finding a [...]
As I slotted the key in the heart-shaped locker of our apartment building, I turned and glanced at Lydia on the step below. Gripping Bono’s carry case, she wiped a tear from her cheek. [...]
Bono was the strangest looking cat I’d ever seen. Apart from his enormous head, shaggy feet and the feather duster tip of his ridiculously long tail, he was entirely shaved. Dancing across the [...]
Lydia and I trundled our suitcases out of the hotel and caught a cab to the building where we were to collect the keys to our Pet Friendly Apartment. Magazine sections of various publications had [...]