Australian Women’s Weekly Review

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In her NY Times bestseller debut, Brown wrote of Cleo, the kitten that helped her heal, after son Sam, nine, was run over and killed in 1983. Bono, “a shaved black mini lion”, is the cat with special needs (chronic kidney disease), homeless after Hurricane Sandy, which her US publisher insists she foster. Brown was finding life full of ennui, after a brush with breast cancer – “my speed date with death” – made her want to live life. Husband Philip’s lunchtime purchase of flannelette pyjamas “mutated him into her father”, and was (an amusing) reason, among others, to flee “contentment”. The description of the pyjama shop assistant and why straight men should never shop: “Blonde, 25… (he) helpless as a terrier in front of a plate of steak.” An astute observer: if this was a novel she would have an affair with a French lavender farmer. Instead, Buddhist nun daughter Lydia, 28, accompanies her to NYC for her book launch and an open-ended stay. Bono will bond a fractured mother-daughter relationship, and even purr passion into plaid.
Australian Women’s Weekly


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